Nearly one million Ford tractors were sold between 1939-1953. Along with those wonderful tractors, thousands and thousands of implements of all sorts were fitted to the new "3-point" hydraulic hitch.
This book contains original instructions for operation, assembly and maintenance for the most commonly used implements.
The original booklets are very hard to find and expensive, so you make a good choice with this book.
Implements covered this this manual:
- Moldboard Plow
- Economy Plow
- Middlebuster Plow
- Lift Type 2-Way Plow
- Lift Type Disc Plow
- Tandem Disc Harrow (B)
- Tandem Disc Harrow (E)
- Bush and Bog Harrow
- Spring Tooth Harrow (11-10)
- Spring Tooth Harrow (11-25 to 11-29)
- Offset Disc Harrow
- Kelly Planter Attachment
- Lift Type Planter Attachment
- Lister Planter
- Grain Drill
- Fertilizer Grain Drill
- Rotary Hoe
- Four-row Weeder
- Rigid Shank Front-End Cultivator
- Rigid Shank Cultivator
- Lift Type Rigid Shank Cultivator
- Sprint Shank Cultivator
- Lift Type Spring Shank Cultivator
- Rigid and Sprint Shank Front Cultivator
- Lift Type Field Cultivator
- Rear Attached Mower
- Side Mount Mower
- Rotary Cutter (22-47)
- Rotary Cutter (22-60)
- 84" Rotary Cutter
- Sweep Rake
- Lift Type Sweep Rake
- Standard Wagon
- Lift Type Cordwood Saw
- Lift Type Cordwood Saw (22-44)
- Danuser Post Hole Digger
- Dauser Post Hole Digger (22-11)
- Lift Type Rear Scoop
- Lit Type Rear Utility Blade
- Lift Type All Purpose Blade
- "V" Snow Plow
- Blade SNow Plow
- Angle Dozer
- Roto Flail
- Manure Spreader (19-8, 19-8A)
- Dearborn Manure Spreader (20-7, 7A)
- Dearborn Loader (19-21 thru 19-23)
- Ford Loader (19-60, 19-81)
- Ford Step-up and Step-down Transmission
- Swinging Drawbar
- Dearborn Side Delivery Rake
- Dearborn Hay Baler (14-49)
- Dearborn Forage Harvester
- Dearborn-Wood Corn Picker